
The Marketing Office seeks to reach out and invite thousands of students to experience education with Academic Excellence and Integral Formation.


We provide internal and external marketing through career guidance orientation, Print Ads and Social Media.

We continually upgrade our strategies as part of the Mission of Mary the Queen College.

We ensure the positive image of the school through the Board Passers and the achievements of the institution.

We ensure to welcome every visitor and answer all their questions regarding our institution.


  • Career Guidance
  • Marketing Research
  • Customer Care
  • Product Development

Important Policies

  1. All paid advertisements must be coursed through the Marketing Office in order for a consistent and appropriate image messaging and that the college receives the most competitive rates.
  2. The college logo and other official identity marks are for official use only.
  3. Any variations on the official logo should be recommended by the Marketing Office and approved by the President. While the logo may be used by all college departments, it is not to be modified through a changing of the font, proportions or other design alteration.
  4. Any question regarding use of college logos in publications or displays should be addressed to the Marketing Office.