
To produce world class Christian educators who will serve the local, national, and global community.


Guided by the MQCPI’s Vision-Mission, the Department shall:

    • Provide quality education programs to ensure the holistic development of future leader educators;
    • Produce teachers imbued with the spirit of social service and Marian virtues;
    • Undertake research activities geared toward the improvement of teacher professional education;
    • Organize relevant community extension services that will enhance the community and students’ development;
    • Provide scholarship grants to the underprivileged and minority specifically, the Aetas.


In view of the Vision and Mission, the Department of Teacher Education shall:

  1. Implement guidelines for admission and retention;
  2. Implement an effective unique program for the Aeta scholars;
  3. Develop programs that will continuously improve the results of the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET);
  4. Upgrade teachers’ competencies through training, exposures, and seminars;
  5. Provide meaningful activities that will strengthen the graduates’ sense of community service and commitment as Christian leader educators;
  6. Produce scholarly research that will contribute to the improvement of the teacher education program.


  • To hire qualified and competent teachers.
  • To organize seminars, training and exposure activities to improve teachers’ competencies.
  • To implement a system of retention through qualifying examinations.
  • To assess the graduates’ performance in the LET and make necessary improvement.
  • To provide a LET Review for graduating students.
  • To assist the Aeta scholars through remedial and special tutoring classes.

Program Description


The Program recognizes the importance of developing the future Christian educators of the country. It aims to produce graduates who are equipped with the necessary skills and competencies thereby contributing to nation building and economic growth. It prepares future teachers to master the art and pedagogy of teaching and to be professionals. BEEd Program is also designed to provide prospective educators to be holistically equipped in providing their future pupils the quality education they deserved.